
Default Folder X 3.0.1

iconオープン・セーブダイアログを拡張する環境設定パネル(シェアウェア $34.95 Universal)

What's New

  • A bug that caused crashes in Carbon applications such as Photoshop, InDesign, GraphicConverter, and others has been fixed. This crash occurred on dual- and quad-processor PowerMacs when opening files in folders that contained many items (usually more than 1000).
  • Fixed the modifier key settings for Finder-click. They were not working in 3.0.
  • You can now drag the parent window of a Save As sheet to move the Save dialog even when the "click on Desktop" feature is turned on.
  • Fixed a bug that caused error messages to appear in the console when the Spotlight comment window was hidden.
  • Temporary folders with names like "Print.1423.1" are no longer added to the Recent Folders menu.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Finder to crash when creating a folder using the MoveItemsX contextual menu.
  • Corrected Spotlight comment handling so it works correctly when filenames contain accented and non-Roman characters.
  • Text now wraps correctly in the Spotlight comment window.
  • Default Folder X will now correctly read registration information out of a preference file in /Library/Preferences/.
  • Added the expert option "ReboundWhenChoosingFolders" to do rebound even when an application allows you to choose folders. This benefits users of Fetch, in particular. Option-click on the Settings button to access the option.
  • An expert option is available to reduce the font size in Default Folder X's menus. Option-click on the Settings button to access it.
  • When you turn off gray window outlines in the Open & Save tab of the settings, the gray-desktop effect is now also turned off.
  • Eliminated "NSAutoreleaseNoPool" warnings in Terminal when running a Python script.
  • Default Folder X now supports versions of Mac OS 10.3 prior to 10.3.9.

 オープン・セーブダイアログ(シート)をもっと使いやすくする環境設定パネル、Default Folder X がアップデート。前バージョンのさまざまなバグを修正したメンテナンスリリースのようです。



 v3.0 では Intel Mac にも対応しています。v1.x, 2.x からは $14.95 でアップグレードすることができます。

 日本語ローカライズは、Takanori Taniguchi さん。

Download : St. Clair Software

 → life with i - Mac, iPhone, iPad のある生活

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